Years of company
Company Mihajlović doo from Bijeljina has a business tradition of more than two and a half decades, and employs over 40 workers. Mihajlović doo started operating in 1988, and the current owner is Stanislav Mihalović. From the founding to the present day company Mihajlovic is engaged in trade. Today, the company carries out its business through four separate but still closely related organizational units: Wholesale, Retail, Shopping Center and Technique Service.
Mihajlović doo
Founded Auto Prom

One of the first private companies based in the area of ​​Bijeljina with the activity of auto school

Founded Express Prom

Year after the founding of Auto Prom, the Express prom was founded. The activity changes in the car, bicycle and motorcycle salon, as well as the sale of auto parts.

White appliances

Express prom goes into business with white white appliances.

Mihajlovic doo

Express prom becomes Mihajlović doo and we open a shop center in Bijeljina which added carpets and dishes to the assortments.


The wholesale branch is established and we enter the business with fireplaces. The first fireplace supplier, whose general distributors we are today, is Prity Bulgaria.

New Shopping center opened

We make one bigger step and open the Shopping Center. For more details about the Shoping Center, read HERE.

Vox electronics

We are becoming distributors of Vox electronics for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mihajlovic Invest doo

In addition to Mihajlović doo, the new company Mihajlović Invest doo is established with the primary goal of developing a modern convening of housing with the application of the highest standards in design and construction. For more, see HERE